Many eagles have been coming in with lead poisoning. We need to figure this out and find out why.
This sweet boy had a disease that made him blind and with tissue dysfunction. He had so much courage.
This bald eagle was shot and badly injured. So beautiful and did not deserve this.
This beauty came from Wyoming and was hot by a truck.
She was brought to me in July and released in September
This 4 year old bald eagle was brought in with a broken scapula. She healed well, was released and found a mate!
This harrier came in with eye ulcers.
My son holding a mallard duckling who came in very hypothermic. He is getting warmed up in my son's hands.
This eagle came in with lead poisoning. Many of the eagles coming in have high levels of lead which makes them feel awful.
We think this magpie was hit by a car. Spinal injury . . . so waiting to see if when swelling goes down the use of her feet comes back.
With all of the rain this year, there have been lots of babies getting washed away from their family's. : (
This fawn was brought to me from the Division of Parks and Wildlife in Walden.
Their mom was eaten by a dog. These three are like Peter rabbit and his sisters.
This little guy was attacked by a dog. He was paralyzed briefly, but made a great recovery and was released!
This hawk was hit by a car coming off the hay fields.
We have had in several baby hummers this summer. Great gifts come in small packages. : ) Sooo cute!
Goldfinch resting after a cat attack.
These babies were found wondering around a parking lot. No mom around.
Born Free helped this bull, who was in a weakened state, during the winter of 2013/014.
Each year we get in many baby raccoons to rehabilitate. This year we have in eight of them. They always make us laugh and all are very good to each other. We released them in great habitat far, far away from any people. Released Aug. 2005!
Thumper is a baby cottontail rabbit that was brought to our facility after being attacked by a cat. Since his arrival we have gotten in two other cottontail babies. They both were attacked by cats too. All are on antibiotics and are working hard to live. They are darling little bunnies!
Here is a picture of the beautiful ranch where we release all our ungulates. The release was a success and both have met up with the wild herds in the wilderness. I like to think that Rosemary and Toots will always be friends and as the antelope and deer herds pass eachother they will rub noses and check in to see if they both are doing well and living a good life.
Rosemary is an antelope fawn and Toots is a deer fawn. They were both brought to our sanctuary because of human intervention. They are great friends! Born Free Wildlife Rehab chooses to keep all deer, elk and antelope in our care for one year before releasing them back into the wild. Rosemary and Toots were released together in May 2005!
In the story section of my website you can read about this deer, Angelina, in a story titled, The Girls. Here is a picture of Angelina's release in late May of 2004. She was very excited to see a herd of deer nearby and was off to live free! I will miss her dearly.
Pi- bird is a lucky little fellow. He was found in downtown Steamboat by one of the bike officers. He was just growing in his feathers. The officer took him to Maggie Smith at the Animal Shelter who gave him lots of tender loving care over the night. Then she brought him out to Born Free at 6 am in the morning - before she took a LONG bike ride to shape up for Ride the Rockies! Now that takes dedication to animals to take the time to bring him to me so he wouldn't die while she rode her bike all day.
Long John Silver is a robin flegling who was found in town. He had been injured by a cat. Dr. Lee Meyring at Steamboat Vet Clinic had to amputate his leg, but he is doing great and eating lots of worms!
This baby Elks mom was hit by a car on HWY 40. The calf was lying nearby. We took the calf to rehabilitate it and gave it electrolytes and antibiotics to get it through this very difficult time.
Elk sometimes can have a hard time during the winter when they have to stomp through 400" of fallen snow. This particular Elk was most likely illegally shot as when we came across it, there was a deeply infected wound. The Elk was roped down and the wound was treated and the Elk was given antibiotics. It stayed in one place eating the food we provided until it was strong enough to once again stomp through the deep snow.
Elf the Pygmy Owl was found on a 42 below day. He was cold and starving on the ground right in the heart of Steamboat. We took him and got him warmed up and fed him well. After a few weeks of good eating, lots of warmth and good exercise he was released back into the wild.
Jeremiah is a bobcat kitten who was brought to our sanctuary in August 04. He grew to be a very big cat! In December 04 he was transferred to another wildlife rehabilitator , Susan Dietrich, who had two bobcat kittens wintering over. The two kittens were female and Jeremiah loved being with other bobcats. What a gift Jeremiah has been to our family! We released Jeremiah with his girlfriends in May 2005 on Mother's Day. It was a special day. Jeremiah is on the cover of Steamboat magazine's summer issue.
This Great Horned Owl came to Born Free with a broken ulna and radius. We assumed he was hit by a car. Lee Meyring of Steamboat Vet Hospital examined him and after weeks of cage rest his bones healed well. He was released in mid-October 2007.
Every time a Bald Eagle is brought to Born Free I feel it is a great gift. They seem full of wisdom and are so strong. This eagle is no exception. He was brought in very dehydrated and skinny. He seems to be sick and we will be testing to see what he has. Dr. Mike Gotchey at Steamboat Vet Hospital has been giving him great care. His courage is remarkable and we hope for his recovery.
Tickle is a little fox kit. He was brought to me in May 05 when he was found by some people during a rain storm. He kept wandering down by their dog kennels. He was just days old in this picture. He has grown into a beautiful healthy juvenile fox and will be released in early August 05.